Festa do Caloiro – EN

Festa caloiro EN

From students for students

ISCTE-IUL Student Union was born in 1988, 16 years after the founding of the institution which supports it, ISCTE-IUL. Our SU Prides itself on being one of the biggest and most active SU’s in the country, working for more than 9000 students daily. With a vast experience in the área of associationism, this structure is recognized in the entire country, by its professionalism and dedication, as well as the effort and innovation year after year. A team that’s built by students and works for the students, creating events of all kinds and trying to respond, in the best way possible, to every need of every student.

ISCTE-IUL’s Student Union was a very important platform for learning and identity building throughout my academic career. Throughout the years, it has been considered as one of the most active and present student association at a national level, being a reference in the implementation of good habits and very multifaceted in its field of action.

A AEISCTE-IUL desenvolve as suas atividades em prol dos interesses e direitos dos estudantes do ISCTE-IUL e de forma a incentivar a sua participação em diversos campos de ação (académico, cultural, institucional, social e de cidadania), mantendo para isso uma postura de estreita cooperação com os diferentes serviços do instituto, nos quais se inclui o SAS/ISCTE-IUL, que é de enaltecer!